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Chimera (Yanartas)

Chimera (Yanartas), which is located on the hills of Çıralı at an altitude of 230 meters, is known as eternal fire and has a natural fire source. At the foot of Chimera (Yanartas) Tahtalı Mountain, it has been determined that there are mysterious flames burning small and large between an open rock in the forest and plenty of methane gas, and the ruins nearby belong to the Byzantine church.

The sacred fire of Chimaera, which is the ancient Lycian ancient city, is based on Homer texts. According to the legend, fire comes out of the mouth of the three-headed monster named Chimera, which is a mixture of lion, goat and snake. The Lycian King of the period sends the young Bellophontes to kill the monster and he succeeds in this with his young winged horse Pegasos.

When Chimera took off to attack, Bellophontes stabs the monster with his spear and buries it seven floors under the ground. Chimera continues to shoot fire from here until today.

If your holiday is in Çıralı, you can reach here by bike or on foot.